• tortoise for sale

Tortoises for sale

We’ve got the best selection of captive bred, hand raised tortoises for sale!  Our tortoise and turtle farm offers the largest selection of real live captive bred tortoises and turtles for sale shipped overnight to your doorstep.

We also offer box turtles, aquatic turtles and many other reptiles. Shipping is over-night year-round.  All of our baby tortoise for sale come with a full live arrival and health guarantee!

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tortoise for sale

Over 25 species of healthy, captive-bred well-started baby tortoise for sale. We offer a variety and the ability to ship for your next tortoise by size, price, or popularity.  Smaller species will remain under 8″ where as some of the giant tortoises can reach over 200 pounds!

captive bred tortoises

Experience the tortoise town difference purchasing the highest quality, hand raised, captive bred tortoises. Unlike other companies, Tortoise Town has a real biologist thats also available to provide care guidance to our customers.  Thru captive breeding, we’ve has hatched thousands of baby tortoises of over 28 species at our facilities in New Jersey and Florida.

Our reptiles for sale are shipped nationwide, year-round. Even though our main focus will always be offering captive bred tortoises for sale, we also offer quite a bit of other reptiles for sale.  Some include chameleons for sale, geckos, iguanas and other pet lizards.

tortoise for sale

tortoise for sale

Some popular species include baby Russian tortoise, red foot tortoise, Sulcata tortoise, leopard tortoises.  Other smaller species include: Greek tortoises, eastern & western Hermann’s tortoise, Indian star.  The perfect new shelled friend awaits and is just an overnight shipping away from your doorstep.

Keep in mind these are long-lived animals and should be planned for as such.  It is not uncommon for a baby tortoise to end up living 50 to even over 100 years with proper care.  Diet, nutrition, and habitat will dictate how happy and healthy your new shelled friend is.

turtles for sale

Want something smaller or perhaps semi aquatic? No problem! Tortoise Town also offers 100% captive bred real live turtles for sale! Shop our online turtle store for a wide selection of wood turtles, water turtles, painted turtles.

Also, purchase spotted turtles for sale and box turtle for sale, including baby box turtles, eastern box turtle, ornate box turtles & 3 toed box turtles.

100 % of our reptiles for sale are captive-bred and never wild caught. We specialize in hand raised, captive bred baby tortoises & aquatic turtles for sale, and box turtles.

With a biologist, ON-SITE we are able to provide what we believe are the highest-quality captive bred turtles & baby tortoises for sale online anywhere in the USA.  If you are shopping for a new shelled reptile, you have come to the right place.

live turtles for sale
tortoises for sale
real live turtles for sale
real live box turtles
pet tortoise
leopard gecko breeders
pet tortoise for sale
panther chameleon for sale
baby tortoise
baby turtles for sale
slider turtles for sale
small tortoise

largest selection of tortoises

 Looking for color? Of all the species of tortoise available, red foots and cherry heads ar probably the most colorful.  Yellow foots are also colorful but unlike the red and cherry head, they fade as they age and grow.

Check out our gorgeous baby red foot tortoise,  and baby yellow foot tortoise.  Some 0f the most important things to do before you buy a leopard tortoise.

First, find the right baby tortoise and the tortoise breeder before you choose your new tortoise.  Researching proper tortoise care is pivotal to raising a healthy leopard tortoise baby and adult.

tortoise for sale

All of our baby tortoises are 100% captive bred.  Here you can buy the highest quality baby tortoises.  Some of our most popular species include the leopard tortoise, Burmese star, box turtle for sale.

For larger tortoise species check out the baby African Sulcata tortoise, african spurred tortoise, also known as the African Sulcata tortoise. For medium to small stuff, the spur thighed, baby Russian tortoise, greek tortoise, we also offer Hermann tortoise to buy online.

When considering baby tortoises for sale online, consider buying from a real tortoise breeder.  We hand raise all of our babies here on our tortoise farm.  Once you purchase we are happy to provide lifetime customer support, free of charge.

tortoises for sale

large tortoises

Tortoises that reach a max size of at least 18″ at full maturity are considered large tortoises.  African Sulcata, Aldabra, Giant South African leopard tortoises are Large to Giant tortoises.  Other Giant tortoises for sale here at tortoise town include: Sulcata tortoise (Sulcata tortoise are available in Ivory as well as Albino Sulcata).

Giant tortoise species

Another large option is the leopard tortoise (baby leopard tortoise are available.  The beautiful and slightly larger Giant South African leopard tortoise also known as the Pardalis Pardalis as well as Pardalis Babcocki). We also stock the largest of all tortoises, the Aldabra tortoise.

Giant species of pet tortoise are just super cool! Just consider the size and space you will need as they mature, which happens slowly but surely!

The giant Aldabra is a true gentle giant and absolutely stunning creature!  Our favorite large tortoise, the Aldabra Giant Tortoise is amazing. Like the black color but don’t have the yard space? Check out the Burmese mountain tortoise,  including both the Burmese Black Tortoise and Burmese brown mountain tortoise.

medium sized tortoise for sale

Considering a tortoise for sale near me that isn’t so tiny, but also isn’t a giant?  Medium sized tortoise for sale range in size from 10-16″ on average. Tortoise town has a large variety of captive-bred medium-sized tortoise. Some medium-sized tortoises include the Burmese star, Sri Lankan Star Tortoise

Colorful species from South America include red foot tortoise, yellow foot, cherry head tortoise.  European species are smaller and more cold tolerant.  If you are searching for a small to medium sized pet tortoise, check out the Testudo tortoises are small to medium and include the Greek tortoise and the Elongated tortoise.

Small tortoise species

Small tortoises also called tiny tortoises range in size from as small as only 4″ to a max length of 8″.  Are you looking for a tiny tortoise or small tortoise species? Typically, you will be shopping within the “Testudo tortoise” family.  This includes the smallest captive bred tortoise in the USA, the little tortoise for sale, the Eyptian.   

Besides the Egyptian, other small tortoise species include Eastern Hermann’s tortoise family like the Western Hermann’s tortoise, Hermann’s tortoise.  Other smaller tortoise species are also available.  Some small to tiny tortoises include the Russian tortoise, and the Indian star tortoise.

captive bred reptiles for sale

CB Reptile our sister store, is proud to have a biologist ON-SITE.  All reptiles for sale online purchased from CBReptile are 100% Captive Bred and come with a full LIVE ARRIVAL & 7 DAY HEALTH GUARANTEE including all captive bred tortoise for sale.

pet tortoise

turtles for sale

Instead of a land turtle, or a baby tortoise for sale consider a water turtle.  Are you searching for some new baby turtles?  including freshwater turtle, or any type of aquatic turtles, we’ve got ya covered! Here at Tortoise Town, we are far more than just tortoise for sale from the top captive breeding program in the USA!

We’ve got the common water turtle species like slider turtles and pond turtles for sale.  Also, we offer box turtles.  Tortoise town offers box turtles for sale, 3 toed box turtle, Ornate and the Chinese box turtle.

Our mission is to bring you the highest quality, hand raised captive bred tortoises and turtles for sale anywhere.  We offer a variety of captive-bred box turtle for sale,  Star Tortoise, Indian star tortoise, we offer the ability to buy pet tortoise  and get it shipped overnight to your door.

© 1998-2024 Tortoise Town * All Baby tortoises for sale & turtles for sale from our tortoise farm under 4" are sold for educational or scientific purposes.