Hermann Tortoise for sale
Hermann’s tortoise are some of the nicest and smallest pet tortoises for sale. Hermanns tortoises are known for being outgoing, far from shy, friendly and active. Small but fun, these guys are pretty active all year round.
In the wild they hibernate during the winter months. As an indoor reptile within your home they do not need to do so. However if they are housed in an area that dips below 60 they could go into a mild hibernation.
Hermann tortoise for sale are probably the most popular small tortoise for sale that we offer, along with the russian tortoise for sale. Being members of the “Testudo” or “mediterranean” tortoise family, they are grouped with other popular tortoises for sale, like the russian tortoise, greek tortoise, egyptians and a few others.
Hermann’s tortoises for sale
There are 2 major subspecies one being the Eastern Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and the other being the smaller, slightly more colorful Western Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni hermanni). We have some beautiful captive bred hatchling hermanns tortoise, well started 6 month old baby hermann’s tortoise, as well as yearling Eastern Hermann’s tortoises.
Adding a Hermann tortoise to your reptile family is a good decision if you are looking for something small, cute, easy to care for that also is friendly. They will eat out of their owners hands fairly quickly.
Hermann’s tortoise for sale care
- Hermann’s tortoise care
- Hermann’s tortoise lifespan
- baby Hermann’s tortoise diet
- Hermann’s tortoise water
- baby Hermann’s tortoise humidity
- Hermann’s tortoise temperature
- Hermann’s tortoise size
- baby Hermann’s tortoise habitat
- Hermann’s tortoise substrate
- Eastern and Western Hermann’s tortoise lighting