Tortoise Seed Mix for sale
A great blend to plant for your new pet tortoises! Our tortoise seed mix for sale is one of the best for your tortoise to grow up eating of any in the country! Our special tortoise seed blend contains the following tortoise safe weeds and tortoise safe plants: Italian Dandelion, Ladino Clover, Red Clover, Chicory, Alfalfa tortoise seed blend for sale.
Donald Sexton –
Grew a few assorted grass trays for my baby tortoise, and then saw this offfering. Purchased a small bag, sprinkled in on of my soil trays, and three days later the seeds were already sprouting. My grass seeds usually take at least a week. Highly recommend these seeds, very viable.
I tend to grow three to four trays, so I can change them out before the little girls eat the greens down to the ground . . . this way they can grow and refresh themselves between changes. ??????