Zoo Med Tortoise House Deluxe Kit
$325.00 – $449.95
Before you go to the pet store and spend TWICE as much money on the WRONG setup, check out our Complete Tortoise or Box turtle starter kit! We have deeply discounted our already “cheaper than the pet store prices” to provide a complete kit that includes everything you need, nothing you do not need, at an extremely discounted price! Also, check out our Deluxe starter kit which includes upgraded lighting for an even better tortoise or turtle environment.
- 24 Quarts Zoo Med Forest Floor or Reptibark Substrate (we choose based on reptile ordered)
- 1 large 30/40 gallon Zoomed terrarium moss for hiding areas and to maintain humidity
- Reptocal Calcium supplement (use twice weekly)
- 100 Watt Ceramic Heating element
- 100 Watt Heating Element Fixture
- Zoo Med Dual Reptile Thermometer & Humidity Gauge
- Flukers 1/2 log hide for turtles and tortoises
- 18-ounce Mazuri tortoise and turtle chow
- Zoo Med Repti Ramp Water Dish XL 23oz
- 14″ 10.0 10% UVB Bulb and fixture
- Complete Tortoise House with Hide and screen top
- Reptifogger Reptile Fogger
- 1 qty Zoomed UV Light / Heat Element Fixture
Additional information
with House | Just Supplies | Complete Kit with tortoise House, Just the supplies (everything but no Habitat/House) |
1 review for Zoo Med Tortoise House Deluxe Kit
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About Tortoise Town
Tortoise Town is a family owned and operated turtle and tortoise farm that is proud to sell ONLY healthy captive bred tortoises, box turtles, and aquatic turtles, chameleons, geckos, and iguanas for sale.
Buy with confidence that your tortoise or box turtle will arrive overnight via UPS or FedEx, well packaged and insulated with heat or cold packs added as needed to provide a safe reliable trip from our tortoise farm to your home or business. We ship year-round to all states in all temperatures!
Gustavo A –
Thank you! I’ve been researching for a while ideal habitats for small tortoises and although I’ve read a lot this video gave me actual, visual, concrete information to make my desicion.