Aldabra Tortoise Care sheet

Before purchasing your new baby Giant Aldabra tortoise, it is imperative to find a reputable aldabra tortoise breeder and more important to learn about product care, diet and housing of the 2nd largest of all tortoise species, the Giant Aldabra Tortoise.

Below we will discuss everything you need to understand regarding care for this amazing giant species.  We will discuss everything from diet, habitat, size, lifespan, UV lighting, temperature, humidity and more.

Aldabra tortoise humidity

Coming from the islands of the Seychelles, the Giant Aldabra tortoise can handle a large variant Picture and humidity.Aldabra tortoises typically enjoying humidityIn the area of 55 to 65%.During the rainy season, humidity can go as high as 85% and remain that way for 2 to 3 month period of time.

The giant Aldabra tortoise will grow with a smooth, bowling ball looking shell if humidity is maintained where it should be. If humidity is too low, the animal may become dehydrated and even grow with a lumpy, or pyramid looking shell.

Some Aldabra tortoise owners use a reptile fogging system in order to provide morning humidity which dries out over the course of the day.  Using something like the Zoo Med fogger works well and does great when connected to the same timer as your lighting system.

If you elect to do this, we recommend filling up your fogger in the evenings so it turns on in the morning with the lights.  Doing this simulates a morning fog or dew and seems to invigorate the Aldabra tortoise hatchlings.

Aldabra Tortoise Care – Aldabra Tortoise Housing:

The minimum recommended space is 5 X 5 feet or 25 square feet of floor space for a single 8 inch animal. When considering Aldabra tortoise care, consider your substrate as well. Using a suitable substrate like Hay, aspen bedding, sand or dirt.

Here at tortoise town, we use a mixture of potting soil, potting mix, cypress mulch, hay, and dried weeds.  A warm retreat should be provided in colder climates.

A shallow water dish such as a 12 inch diameter glazed plant saucer should be provided making sure to clean and fill the dish daily.

Most imporantly, offering outdoor enclosure is highly recommended when conditions allow this. The above dimensions apply but the more space that can be provided the better.

Aldabra Tortoise Habitat

Aldabra tortoises seem to tolerate a large range of conditions but a warm stable environment is recommended. Baby and adult Aldabra tortoise care includes paying attention to Aldabra tortoise habitat temperatures.

Also noteworthy, the Aldabra giant tortoises for sale should have a hot spot of at least 100F.  Secondly, provide yoru new pet Aldabra giant tortoise and a cool section of no less than 75F. Their heated hide box should be at least 80F.

You can attain this by fixing a heat emitter to the ceiling of the hide box. The wattage of the heat source is going to be determined by the insulation of the hide box and the surrounding temperature. A UV source is a must if you cannot provide daily exposure to natural sunlight. For this a self-ballasted mercury vapor lamp is recommended.

Aldabra tortoise lifespan

Giant Aldabra tortoises are one of the longest living animal on planet earth.  These modern day dinosaurs can live over 200 years.  There is currently a 200 year old Aldabra alive today.  Aldabra tortoises grow quickly and can reach 200 pounds before their 15th birthday if fed properly.

When buying an Aldabra tortoise consider leaving he or she to your son or daughter to care for once you are too old to do so.  These tortoises are often left from generation to generation as family pets.  The Average lifespan of an Aldabra tortoise is 125-150 years.

Aldabra Tortoise Size

Aldabra tortoise size is probably why they are so popular.  The largest or second largest tortoise for sale in the world, only the the Galapagos.  Galapagos tortoise for sale are also very popular and huge.  Both species range in size from 350-500 pounds.  Baby Aldabra tortoise hatchlings for sale from our tortoise farm are around 4 inches in size.

Well started babies are 5-6″ in size and are recommended as they are easier to care for and more tame than Aldabra tortoise hatchlingBaby Aldabra tortoise for sale here from tortoise town are some of the nicest, most perfect Aldabra in the world.  Perfect scute, smooth bowling ball shells, is how we would describe our baby Aldabra tortoises.

Before purchasing your new baby aldabra tortoise online, it is imperative to find a reputable Aldabra tortoise breeder and more important to learn about product care, diet and housing of the 2nd largest of all tortoise species, the Giant Aldabra Tortoise.

Aldabra Tortoise Lighting

A popular example of this is the Active UV Heat lamp, which is now distributed by several dealers with T-Rex being one of them. Humidity can be provided by moistening the substrate of the hide box but does not seem to be necessary.

It is presently suspected that a humid microhabitat is beneficial in good shell development. Aldabras like to soak So, if possible, try to provide a ‘mud hole’ in its outdoor enclosure.

Feeding: Aldabra tortoise are grazers for the most part but seem to be opportunistic when the situation arises. In a word… these guys are pigs and will eat anything. Secondly, this particular group is fed mainly grasses and broadleaf weeds (read: lawn clippings when the lawn is mowed).

Also,  grocery greens including Romaine, Escarole, Endive, Green leaf, Red leaf, Kale, Collard greens. Also, when these are fed, it is in a ratio of 2 to 1 (lettuces to the other stuff). Lastly, the greens are fed every 2 to 3 days.

Aldabra tortoises like fruit, but feed it sparingly

Fruits such as Apple, Pear, Strawberries, Kiwi, Mango and occasionally mellon are fed as a treat.  Keep in mind to not feed too much concern is given to feeding the Apples and Berries and such. Secondly, the high moisture content foods are fed with caution.

Also, on the days in between, Mazuri tortoise diet is fed. (It can be found at any feed store or can be ordered directly from Purina) Mice are fed on an occasional basis. (once a month or so in the form of prekilled mice)(It is not recommended that you watch or do this around kids).

If you are interested in a different species of baby tortoise for sale, or adult tortoise for sale, check out all of our tortoises for sale here.

Vitamins in the form of crushed tablets of Centrum is added every 2 or 3 weeks. Calcium carbonate is added at every feeding. Cuttlebone is available at all times.

Aldabra tortoise care guide

giant aldabra tortoises for sale

giant aldabra tortoise for sale baby aldabra giant tortoise Aldabra tortoises baby Aldabra tortoise care aldabra tortoise aldabra giant tortoise for sale aldabra giant tortoises for sale giant Aldabra tortoise giant aldabra tortoise Aldabra tortoise baby giant tortoise for sale aldabra tortoise aldabra tortoise for sale tortoise for sale

© 1998-2024 Tortoise Town * All Baby tortoises for sale & turtles for sale from our tortoise farm under 4" are sold for educational or scientific purposes.