Baby Snapping turtle for sale
Captive bred snapping turtles
Below we will touch on some aspects of keeping your new turtle including:
- diet
- habitat
- UV lighting
- general care
- Size
- Lifespan
Baby Snapping turtles for sale are some of the most popular species of water turtles. Keeping a snapping tank can be easy, so long as you have the correct habitat and preparation is key. Making sure you select the adequate size as far as water volume is important.
The biggest thing there is considering if you are looking to purchase another larger tank in a few years or not. Keeping babies is easy and can be done in a tank as small as 10-15 gallons.
Adults, however is another story. We recommend at least a 75 gallon tank or larger once your new baby turtle is 5 years or older. Researching aquatic turtle habitat setup and care is also beneficial.
Finding the right common snapping turtle for sale can be difficult and being sure they are captive bred is most important. A high quality turtle pellet, proper uvb lighting, a nice warm basking spot are all important parts of a proper setup.
Creating the perfect habitat
Caring for a baby snapping turtle for sale is not really hard, as long as you understand that there’s just the necessary time involved, and you need to make sure you create a good habitat and establish good practices to make sure your baby turtle lives a long time and is most importantly happy and comfortable.
Baby Snapping turtle size
When a snapping turtle is a baby, it is very cute and hard to resist. However, they tend to get really large (up to 18 inches long and 86 pounds heavy!) and can be destructive or unhappy if placed in the wrong environment. The fact that they often live from 20 to 50 years (and can live more than 100 years) if cared for right can be kind of scary to some people. Having a snapping turtle is quite a commitment, so think seriously before deciding if you want to keep one of these reptiles.
Feeding your snapping turtle
Curious what to feed a captive bred baby or juvenile snapping turtle? Feeding your new baby snapping turtle is easy and a quality diet should be the staple. We recommend using reptomin water turtle pellets for a full spectrum food. Other types of snapping turtle food is available thru many other commercial reptile food manufacturers. We prefer to use reptomin water turtle food pellets over anything else here. You can also feed this turtle pellet to the pink belly turtle, and the pink belly snapping turtle.
Snapping turtle habitat
A 50 gallon aquarium is a decent size for a hatchling all the way to a 2-3 three old common snapping turtle. Once the turtle outgrows the initial tank, a permanent residence can be made using a 70-100 gallon aquarium.
baby Snapping turtle UV light
A UVB light should be provided for 10-12 hours per day. Using a Reptisun UVB lamp is good, so long as you purchase the 5.0 size. Try to use a t5 high output lamp and fixture and avoid the coil style screw in UVB lights for sale.
snapping turtle for sale

Baby snapping turtle making eye contact.
Snapping Turtle
Snapping turtles are large, aquatic freshwater live turtles for sale that only live in North America. Most noteworthy are 2 main species of snapping turtle that still exists. Similarly, these 2 species are still popular pet turtles for sale across the USA. Likewise are the Common snapping turtle for sale and the Alligator Snapping Turtle.
Because common snapping turtle tends to live at higher latitudes than the Alligator snapper and both are freshwater turtles for sale. Lastly, baby Snapping turtle enjoy a wide variety of food and are often considered the top predator in their environment.
Keeping in mind that the alligator snapping turtle’s diet consists mainly of fish. More interestingly, the 4″ snapper pet turtle for sale has a “lure” uses a lure using a pink worm-like appendage on the end of their tongue in order to lure the fish close and eat it.
More often than not they consume their prey in one solid bite. Because common snapping turtles are more active hunters and will eat just about anything and are readily available as captive bred baby turtle hatchlings for sale.
Snapping turtle price
Captive bred baby snapping turtle price is reasonable considering they are captive bred reptiles. To be honest the common snapping turtle cost really isn’t high at all compared to most other species of freshwater turtles.
ou can keep multiple together if you wish as they get along well and rarely fight especially when kept well fed. Usually when they grow up together as tank mates since they were babies there is no issue. This species can also be kept with other similar sized species so long as they require the same habitat parameters.
Snapping turtle lifespan
Most new owners’ before purchasing, want to know how the answer to the following question: Just long does a snapping turtle live? The snapping turtle lifespan is 30-50 years in the wild but can be even longer if kept properly in captivity.
If you get one as a baby you have a very good chance of it being friendly as it matures. Once the pet snapping turtle is familiar with you, it is actually a very nice semi-friendly turtle. With their dinosaur-like appearance, they are definitely a prehistoric looking reptile.
Common baby snapping turtle can eat Aquatic Baby Turtle Food that we use on all our baby turtles for sale. Be sure to wash your hands good with soap and water after handling your baby common snapping turtle.
Remember when searching for any tortoises for sale, including snapping turtles for sale, tortoise town is your source. We offer the best quality, healthy, captive-bred tortoise for sale , baby tortoise and turtles for sale from the top turtle store anywhere. Shop a full selection of baby turtles for sale online.
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