1. There are no state requirements for reptiles other than it is unlawful to possess False Map Turtles or Blanding’s Turtles.
2. There is a possession limit of 10 Snapping Turtles, 10 Western Painted Turtles and 3 each Yellow Mud Turtle, Ornate Box Turtle, Smooth Softshell, Spiny Softshell and Red-eared Slider
1. A fishing permit is required to take, or attempt to take Snapping Turtles year round. Snapping Turtle Bag limit of 5 – Possession limit of 10. Snapping turtles may be taken only by hand, hand net, hook-and-line, bow-and-arrow, gaff hook or legal trap. (Traps allowed only on private waters.)
2. It is unlawful to take False Map Turtles or Blanding’s Turtles.
3. Other species may be taken year round for personal use only without a permit. The bag limits are the same as the possession limits above.
1. It is unlawful to take Nebraska reptiles for commercial purposes.